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Bike Maryland supports Towson Bike Beltway

By - January 2, 2013

As a representative of Bike Maryland, Bike Minded coordinator Katie Gore attended a December 17th public meeting in Towson Maryland, to unveil the proposed Towson bike route. Please see link below:

Towson Bike Beltway

District Councilman David Marks, a long- standing bicycle champion, stated that we need to “thoughtfully accommodate bicyclist along with motorist”. Bike Maryland supports the Towson Beltway proposal and knows that it is a huge step in a positive direction to make one of the highest traffic sections of the county bike friendly.

At the meeting, residents voiced their concerns regarding fast moving traffic, decreasing lane space for cars and parking, as well as, the importance of safety for cyclists. Bike Maryland will actively promote cycling in Towson by holding free commuter workshops in the area to educate both the motorist and cyclist on all aspects of sharing the road. We think this is an amazing opportunity for the colleges and the community. 2013 is going to be an exciting year for cyclists!… Stay tuned.
