A 501(c)(3) - Your voice for bicycling in Maryland Newsletter Donate Become A Member Join
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Support Bike Maryland

Your caring about Maryland bicycling is great!

Your monetary support transforms your caring into concrete bicycling improvements!

Consider this:

Bicycling improvements are not an accident – No one wants to see more roadside memorials to women and men who are killed or injured while bicycling.

Bicycling improvements are not made overnight — Change requires multi-year commitment.   

Bicycling improvements are not free — It takes the time and treasure of caring people like us to attain bicycle-friendly laws, policies and infrastructure. 

Consider how much you care …

About bicycling safety, accessibility and infrastructure. Then, give what you can.

Formerly, Bike Maryland memberships were priced at $30 per year. You can contribute that amount, or more or less, whatever you decide.

To assure longer-term change, select a recurring donation.

Make your concrete difference, today!

Bike Maryland is a 501(c)(3), your contribution is tax deductible

Thank You!

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As a statewide advocacy organization, Bike Maryland gathers this information to keep you informed of pending legislation and to assist us when meeting with legislators and representatives in Annapolis

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