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14 Favorite Things from 2014

By - December 31, 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, we raise our hats to the accomplishments of the many advocates and leaders who have come together to unify the collective voice of cyclists. All the while, we have a strong reminder of the significant strides needed to improve the Maryland bicycling experience. Thank you to our volunteers, members, donors, ride participants, partner organizations and fellow bicyclists who have given us the opportunity to serve as the statewide nonprofit bicycling advocacy and education organization. We wish you and yours a safe and very happy New Year.​ Let us reflect on the last twelve months and tell you our most favorite 14 things that happened in 2014.

*In no particular order – except for #1 *

14. A three-year grant award for Bike MD’s Safe Routes to School program
13. Bikes are now allowed on MARC train’s weekend service!
12. Hiring Bike MD’s first full time Education Coordinator, Brian Kopp!
11. Hosting Bike MD’s first legislative planning session with reps from nearly every county!
10. Educating 11,000 adults and youth through the Bike Minded Safety Program!
9. Hiring Bike MD’s first full time Advocacy Coordinator, Emily Ranson!
8. Presenting Bike MD’s first 5-year strategic plan and the 2014 annual report!
7. Hagerstown awarded Bike Friendly Community!
6. Nate Evans signing on as Executive Director!
5. Hosting Bike MD’s first University Summit to promote bike friendliness!
4. Printing stickers to spread the word about our brand and mission!
3. The highest number of participants to date at Larry’s Ride!
2. Our newly updated, highly reactive and interactive website!
1. All of our members, donors, volunteers and fellow cyclists ~ you’re our #1!
