By Bruce Cohen - April 21, 2013
Bike Maryland’s Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) Workshop, held on the campus of Johns Hopkins University on March 21st 2013 brought together a number of representatives from colleges and universities in the Baltimore area as well as transportation officials at the local and state level. Beginning with a presentation provided by the League of American Bicyclists, the workshop set into motion a forum for future developments in making college campuses more bicycle friendly for students, staff and faculty. In addition to hearing from the League’s, Alison Dewey, presenters also included Aaron Roppolo (Maryland Institute College of Art), Greg Smith (Johns Hopkins University, Beverly Malone (University of Maryland, College Park), Dominic Dorse (Performance Bicycles), and Yvette Hess (Bikes for the World).
We are tremendously grateful to Performance Bicycles for their support and to Johns Hopkins for being our gracious host. Bike Maryland looks forward to continuing the energetic conversations and collaboration that began at yesterday’s BFU Workshop. Many thank to the League of American Bicyclists, Johns Hopkins University, and Performance Bicycles!
Links to BFU Presentations:
UMD BFU Presentation given by Beverly Malone
MICA BFU Presentation given by Aaron Roppollo