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Moveable Feast

Date: Saturday, May 14, through Sunday, May 15
Time: All Day

Moveable Feast is in search of bike riders to participate in the Ride for the Feast, a 140-mile, 2-day fundraiser on May 14-15 to benefit Moveable Feast, the sole provider of free nutritious meals for people living with HIV/AIDS, breast cancer and other life-threatening conditions in Baltimore City, the 5 surrounding counties and the entire eastern shore of Maryland. Riders commit to raising $1,500 per person and the scenic ride goes from Ocean City to Baltimore. 100 % of the funds that each of our riders and crew raise will go directly to programs and services and not costs associated with the Ride. Teams welcome!
For more information, log onto www.rideforthefeast.org or call 410-327-3420.