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2018 Larry’s Ride

Date: Saturday, September 29
Time: All Day
Location: Oregon Ridge Park
Address: 13401 Beaver Dam R, Cockeysville, MD

2018 Larry's Ride

 Registration is closed for this event
On-Site walk-in registration will be available for $75 starting at 7 AM the morning of the ride.

We'd love to have you join us for the ride, if you intend to ride, please use the ride start times list below to plan your check-in and registration

The 9th Annual Larry’s Ride hosted by Bike Maryland will be held on Saturday September 29th, 2018 at Oregon Ridge Park in Baltimore County

Larry's Ride is named for Larry Bensky, who was struck by a car and killed while bicycling on Butler Road, near Falls Road, in Baltimore County.

Ride Start Times

Check-in begins at 7:00 AM.  This is a "show-and-go" ride, you can begin your ride anytime after checking in.

15 mile route - check in and begin your ride no later than 9:45 AM
25 mile route - check in and begin your ride no later than 9:30 AM
35 mile route - check in and begin your ride no later than 8:45 AM
66 mile route - check in and begin your ride no later than 8:00 AM

Please select a route and plan your ride to be able to return to Oregon Ridge no later than 2 PM


Volunteers Needed

Earn good karma by helping out with Larry's Ride. Plenty of great spots left at signup.com

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp.com

September 29th, 2018 from  7:00 AM to  4:00 PM
Oregon Ridge Park
13401 Beaver Dam Rd
Cockeysville, MD 21030-21030
United States
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Event Fee(s)
Routes and Other Options
0 mi - Lunch Only - Adult $20.00
0 mi - Lunch Only - (youth - under 16) $0.00
16 mi - Larry's Roving Roll $60.00
16 mi - Larry's Roving Roll (youth - under 16) $20.00
26 mi - Larry's Rolling Ramble $60.00
26 mi - Larry's Rolling Ramble (youth - under 16) $20.00
38 mi - Larry's Rural Rampage $60.00
38 mi - Larry's Rural Rampage (youth - under 16) $20.00
62 mi - Larry's Rural Ruckus $60.00
62 mi - Larry's Rural Ruckus (youth - under 16) $20.00
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