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The League of American Bicyclists’ Bicycle Friendly Community Program & Sustainable Maryland – A webinar hosted by Bike Maryland

Date: Thursday, April 25
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Are you looking for ways to make your community a more welcoming place to bicycle? Join us to learn about two programs that can help.

Learn about the Bicycle Friendly Community Program through the League of American Bicyclists and how this program provides a roadmap, assistance, and recognition for communities to make bicycling a safe form of transportation and a fun recreational opportunity for all.

This is an online Zoom webinar

Also learn about the bicycle-related action items under the Sustainable Maryland Certification Program. Sustainable Maryland is designed to support Maryland’s municipalities as they look for cost-effective and strategic ways to protect their natural assets and revitalize their communities, and recognizes leading municipalities that go green, save money, and take steps to sustain their quality of life over the long term.


Amelia Neptune
Bicycle Friendly America Director
League of American Bicyclists

Mike Hunninghake
Sustainable Maryland

This is an online Zoom webinar