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A New Partnership Between Bike Maryland and WABA

By - September 19, 2022

Bike Maryland (“BikeMD”)  and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (“WABA”) are pleased to announce a new collaborative partnership to further strengthen ties between the two groups.  The following are a few of the selected items under a memorandum of understanding both groups signed on August 28, 2022:

  • WABA will provide staff level and volunteer support for Bike MD’s leading role in Maryland-wide advocacy for improved conditions for all who bicycle and walk in the State.  This includes setting legislative priorities and strategies for BikeMD’s advocacy;
  • BikeMD and WABA will together evaluate BikeMD’s website and social media platforms and establish a plan to bring all content current, provide regular updates, and share relevant information with one another;
  • BikeMD, with WABA’s assistance, will recruit new BikeMD board members, including adding at least one board member from Prince George’s County, plus adding other board members that will diversify BikeMD’s board geographically, gender-wise and racially; &
  • Together, the two organizations will develop future plans for BikeMD’s budget, membership recruitment and annual planning overall.

BikeMD and WABA look forward to this collaboration and for BikeMD to mount successful grassroots organizing, legislative, educational and programmatic efforts to serve all who bike and walk in the State of Maryland.

In the coming days, BikeMD and WABA will be rolling out its board recruitment outreach efforts, and we look forward to recruiting new members to join a board that is ready to transform the transportation system in MD. Please contact chair@bikemd.org for more information. 

Peter Gray, BikeMD Interim Board Chairperson

Joshua Feldmark, BikeMD Board Vice Chairperson

Nigel Samaroo, BikeMD Secretary

Kathleen Hayes, BikeMD Treasurer

Jeremiah Lowery, WABA Advocacy Director
