A 501(c)(3) - Your voice for bicycling in Maryland Newsletter Donate Become A Member Join
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Mission and History

Our mission is to promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions, and provide a voice for bicyclists in Maryland.

Bike Maryland formed in 2009. Our advocacy initiatives incorporate the promotion of pro-bicycle legislation on the state and county level and working with state and local government agencies, including police departments, to develop policy and awareness campaigns that protect the rights and well-being of bicyclists in Maryland. We work with partnering advocacy organizations, state and local government, universities, businesses and communities to make bicycling a safe form of transportation and a fun recreational opportunity for all.

Bike Maryland was formed from a previous organization, One Less Car, which was founded in 1999, to promote and advocate for alternative modes of transportation. The One Less Car Board of Directors and Executive Director saw the need to narrow and strengthen their mission to improving bicycling conditions and thus changed the organization’s name, mission and vision to what it is today!

Bike Maryland is a 501(c)(3) organization.