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Baltimore County Council Passes Complete Streets Policy

By - December 18, 2013

At its meeting on December 16, the Baltimore County Council passed a resolution that implements a “Complete Streets” policy, as recommended by the Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee. The resolution was sponsored by Councilman Tom Quirk and cosponsored by Councilmen David Marks and Ken Oliver. Bike Maryland Executive Director Carol Silldorff is a member of the counci that developed the complete streets policy and was present at the meeting to testified in favor of complete streets

“Complete Streets” aims to develop an intermodal transportation system, one accessible by drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.   The idea is simple:  streets should serve multiple modes of travel equitably, not just move highway traffic.
“To the greatest extent possible, Baltimore County should have a transportation system that is accessible to all of its citizens,” Councilman Quirk commented.   “I would like to thank the Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee and transportation advocates for their hard work on this resolution.”

“We have made tremendous progress over the past three years in Baltimore County, from bike lanes in Catonsville and Towson to new trails throughout the county,” Councilman Marks added.  “We have very little land for new roads and need to use existing transportation capacity as wisely as possible.”
