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Baltimore County Ranked on List of 2013 Best Complete Streets Policies

By - March 6, 2014

Smart Growth America has ranked Baltimore County as #6 on its list of the Best Complete Streets Policies of 2013. Complete Streets policies reflect a community’s goal to design their streets with all users of all ages and ability in mind, from bicyclists and pedestrians, to motorists. Baltimore County follows Maryland, Montgomery County, Baltimore City, and Rockville as Maryland jurisdictions with Complete Streets policies. Congratulations to Baltimore County for its commitment to making their streets “healthy, walk-able, bike-able, and livable.”

Link to the resolution here.

On a side note: Smart Growth America does not list Frederick County, Howard County, Prince George’s County, Queen Anne’s County, Annapolis, Westminster, La Plata, Frederick City, or Aberdeen as having Complete Streets Policies. Those jurisdictions have at least a mention of Complete Streets policies in their Comprehensive Plans (PG in their transportation plan). Smart Growth America does not count when communities incorporate Complete Streets into comprehensive and transportation plans.

Bike Maryland intern, Emily Ransom is determining the cities and counties in Maryland with complete streets policies. If you have information on your location please feel free to contact her.
