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Bicycle Rabbit Hole – March 2024 Edition

By - March 15, 2024

This March, we step-through the lens and down the rabbit hole with a focus on women’s

“Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women
than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I
stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel…the picture of free,
untrammeled womanhood.”

—Susan B. Anthony in The New York World, February 2, 1896

How women cycled their way to freedom
Bicycles helped women move forward in more ways than one.

A Hidden History of Women Cyclists
Take a [very short] ride along the long, uphill climb faced by women in the saddle

Birth Of The Bike (video)
Women cyclists are featured in this short film on cycling innovations.

Bicycling and feminism (Wikipedia)

Study: Cycling Rates Low Unless Women Are Riding

Mens vs Womens Bikes: 5 Things You Need to Know
The truth is that all bikes are unisex bikes and that the difference between those that
are marketed as “women’s bikes” and those that are marketed as “men’s bikes” is really
only a difference in size and fit.

International Women’s Day: the rise of female Olympic cyclists
From total absence to gender parity

Major Knox Adventures hosts the annual “1928 Legacy Tour”
To celebrate and amplify Black women’s legacy of athleticism, sisterhood, and adventure on bikes and in
the outdoors.

How bicycles boosted the women’s rights movement (video)

US Cities Are Failing Their Female Cyclists
America’s bike infrastructure isn’t meeting women’s needs. With a flood of government
funding and surging e-bike popularity, now’s the time to invest.

How the Bicycle Paved the Way for Women’s Rights
The technology craze of the 1890s meant fashion freedom and transportation

Women’s Bikes: An Intersectional Look at the History of Women and their Bicycles

Pedaling the Path to Freedom
American Women on Bicycles

Bicycles and Cycling History: A Resource Guide

With a nod to Susan B. Anthony, we rejoice in your bicycling — the picture of free,
untrammeled personhood.

Enjoy your ride!
