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Today's Topic: Multimodal Transportation

Multimodal Transportation: What Is It, and How Does It Benefit Everyone?

Vancouver’s Multi-Modal Success Story

For Vibrant US Cities, Invest in Multimodal Transportation

Urban Highways vs. Complete Streets

The Maryland Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) is implementing a Complete Streets Model statewide. Complete streets ensure that a range of safe options for multimodal transportation, including active transportation, are prioritized throughout all phases of project development.

How To Understand The Impact Мultimodality In Transportation Has On Cities Of All Sizes

Benefits of Active Transportation and Active Transportation Infrastructure

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center – a great source of information on multimodal networks
Not THIS, Bike Maryland would like to emphasize the distinction between multimodal trans-portation of people from multimodal trans-port of cargo (the English, as evident from the link below, do not use words like we do and spell behaviors with a “u”). 
Deep, deep dive: a new online textbook on Multimodal Transportation Planning. It’s free.