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Bike Maryland Awarded $173,000 for Safe Routes to School Program

By - September 11, 2014

Bike Maryland is thrilled to announce a $173,000 award for FFY 2014 from State Highway Administration to execute educational workshops under the statewide Safe Routes to School Program. The goal of this program will be to improve and encourage youth bike ridership and safety to and from school.Youth safety clinics in schools and community workshops will promote infrastructure improvements in high risk areas through the Bike Maryland Safe Routes to School Program. Additional benefits include a boost in youth physical activity, a reduction in the rate of obesity and obesity related diseases in youth, an increase in air quality related to car exhaust and an improvement in traffic conditions near schools!

Walking and biking to school promotes healthy lifestyles by encouraging physical activity among children. The State is funding sixteen projects, seen below, across the state to ensure children have the accessibility to arrive to and from school safely.

Please visit Maryland Safe Routes to School Program for more information on the program.

Participating Jurisdictions and Proposed Improvements – FFY 2015

  • Bike Maryland, Inc. will receive $173,000 for educational programs, clinics and coordinators.
    The Baltimore City Department of Transportation will receive $715,516 for pedestrian education programs as well ADA compliant ramps, crosswalk markings, pedestrian countdown signals and school zone signs at Harford Heights and Hilton elementary school and Tench Tillman Elementary and Middle schools.
  • Calvert County Department of Public Works will receive $30,000 for an ADA compliant connection from the crosswalk at MD 765 to Appeal Elementary on Appeal Lane.
  • Carroll County Government will receive $143,000 for an ADA compliant sidewalk from Washington Lane to Kate Wagner Road, 10 ADA ramps and crosswalk markings.
  • The Town of Delmar will receive $221,000 to reconstruct 2,200 linear feet of curb and concrete sidewalk from Delmar Elementary to State Street (MD54) on the east side of Second Street.
  • The Town of Federalsburg will receive $49,800 to fund ADA compliant sidewalks with curb and gutter, inlet and drainage pipe, and two ADA compliant ramps from the Federalsburg Elementary School parking lot to the corner of University and Railroad avenues.
  • The Town of Forest Heights will receive $211,000 for ADA compliant sidewalks and ramps along North Huron Drive at Seneca Drive and 150 feet of walking/bike path connection from North Huron Drive to the asphalt path on the Forest Heights Elementary School grounds.
  • The City of Frostburg will receive $61,400 for ADA compliant sidewalks, ramps and crossings.
  • The City of Hagerstown will receive $375,000 for ADA complaint sidewalks and ramps, crosswalk and countdown pedestrian signals at Bester and Salem Avenue elementary schools.
  • Harford County Government will receive $69,300 for Emmorton Elementary School educational materials and to buy bicycle racks and for Southhampton Middle School for ADA compliant sidewalks and ramps, commercial driveway crossings, and signage and crosswalk markings.
  • Pocomoke City Government will receive $56,021 for ADA compliant sidewalks and curb installation along 8th Street from the Pocomoke Middle School to Cedar Street and along Cedar Street from 8th Street to 10th
  • Prince George’s County Government will receive $677,993 to fund pedestrian improvements at Concord Elementary and Francis Scott Key Elementary schools such as ADA complaint sidewalks and ramps, upgraded traffic signals, two pedestrian countdown signals and upgraded crosswalks. This money will also be used at Longfield Elementary School to construct new sidewalk, centerline medians and ADA complaint sidewalks, ramps and crosswalks.
  • Queen Anne’s County Public Schools will receive $22,310 for ADA complaint sidewalks behind Bayside Elementary School to connect the cross island trail and in front of Sudlersville Elementary School and to purchase 10 bike racks.
  • The City of Rockville will receive $269,122 for ADA compliant sidewalk improvements along Harrison Street near Beall Elementary School.
  • The Town of St. Michaels will receive $196,800 for ADA complaint sidewalks, ramps, curb and gutter, and crosswalk at St. Michaels Elementary School; as well as developing a safe biking and walking route map, bicycle training brochures, and purchase of bike helmets.
  • The Town of Takoma Park will receive $152,377 for ADA sidewalks and ramps, crosswalk markings, and coordinators to conduct community outreach regarding construction projects.
