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Bike Maryland’s Priorities for the 2017 Legislative Session

By - January 21, 2017

Hearings This Week — Your Help is Needed


SB142 – Bicycle Safety Task Force

SB142 Sponsored by Senator Bobby Zirkin (D-11), Chair of the Judicial Proceeding Committee, creates a needed Task Force to study Bicycle Safety on Maryland Highways. This needed task force brings together cyclists, motorists, law enforcement, local governments and state agencies to study issues such as design, needed legislation, and funding.

How to help

Sign this petition in support of Bike Maryland, which will be presented at the hearing to show our strength.

Please share this petition on your and your club’s social media. The link is http://tinyurl.com/mdsb142

HB11 – Coal Rolling

HB11 Sponsored by Clarence Lam (D-12) prohibits coal rolling.  This legislation passed the House last year and since passage, the sponsor, committee chairman, and leading opponent were all coal rolled.

How to Help

Passage will be much harder in the Senate.  If you have been coal rolled, please contact us so we can use your experience to help us pass this legislation.

Crosswalk Safety

Senator Roger Manno (D-19) along with Delegates Ben Kramer (D-19) and Al Carr (D-18) are sponsoring legislation to make crosswalks safer for bicyclists and pedestrians.  This legislation is in response to two deaths where the Matthew Henson/Rock Creek Trail crosses Veirs Mill Road in Montgomery County.  As a result of our petition of over 1000 signatures to Governor Hogan, the Maryland State Highway Administration explained why they could not install pedestrian-activated stop lights resulting in legislation to address this critical issue.

How to Help

Legislation is still being drafted.  Stay tuned as this legislation will require calls and emails to persuade legislators.
