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Brain Injury Association of Maryland at Tour du Port!

By - September 9, 2014

Our friends at the Brain Injury Association of Maryland will be attending Tour du Port this year on Sunday, September 28th.  They will start the day performing helmet fit checks for adults and children, adjusting straps and providing tips on how best to wear your helmet.  As further incentive to get your helmet checked, in case simply wearing your helmet correctly was not enough, all riders who get their helmet checked will be entered to win a cowbell from cowbells.com!


This is the approximate cowbell you will receive.

From 11 am to 3 pm they will be set up with information about their organization and will have fun, interactive exhibits for children (and adults) of all ages!  Please see their website for more information about support groups for people with brain injuries, resources on how to prevent and live with brain injuries, and their outreach programs.  Their two major fundraising events include the Eat a Peach Challenge Bike Ride through hilly Carroll County in August and the Scarecrow Classic 5k and 1 Mile Survivor Walk in early November.

Thanks to the Brain Injury Association of Maryland and Cowbells.com for their support!


