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Brunswick Bicycle Friendly Community & Business Workshop

By - November 19, 2013

On November 19th 2013, Bike Maryland gathered officials from Frederick County and Brunswick, local business owners, and bicycle enthusiasts for a Bicycle Friendly Community and Business Workshop in Brunswick. A large number of attendees, nearly all of whom ride bicycles for commuting and/or leisure for over 10 years, mingled over refreshments provided by Beans in the Belfry before actively engaging in the workshop. Nestled along the C&O Canal, the city of Brunswick is working hard to improve bicycling infrastructure and access to the town from the towpath for the thousands of bicyclists riding by. Business owners and citizens voiced their desire for signage along the C&O Canal pointing to local businesses, and many desired more commuter education and safety classes for youth and adults. Prior to the workshop, most attendees had not heard of the Bicycle Friendly Community or Business awards, but all were very interested in finding ways to make Brunswick more bicycle friendly!
