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Tour du Port Events Committee

Thank you to the volunteers and staff that help make Tour du Port a fun, exciting and celebratory ride year after year. 

Event Planner: Mary Herbranson, Bike Maryland Staff

Marketing: Open, Your Name Here!

Route Manager: Bruce Cohen, Bike Maryland Board Member & Mike Sapp, Bike Maryland Volunteer

Route Marshall Coordinator: Gordon Peltz, Bike Maryland Board Member

Volunteer Coordinator: Michelle Symzack, Bike Maryland Volunteer

National Aquarium Rest Stop Manager:

North Point State Park Rest Stop Manager: Frank and Mary Sorcoso

Loch Raven Rest Stop Manager: Open, Your Name Here!

Lunch Coordinator: Open, Your Name Here!

Entertainment Coordinator: Open, Your Name Here!

If you are interested in a high-level volunteer position and have a passion for executing events please get in touch regarding one of the open Events Committee positions!

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