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Consider Bike Maryland for Your End of the Year Donation

By - December 2, 2014

Why Bike Maryland?

  1. We are the unified, statewide voice for bicyclists in Maryland, representing you in front of state government, whether its the executive branch, state agencies, or elected legislators in Annapolis. We speak with your voice and our 2015 agenda is directly sourced from bicycle advocates across the state.
  2. We spearhead bicycle advocacy in Annapolis, holding state government accountable and providing pressure on unresponsive agencies and support for those already on board.
  3. We support local advocacy initiatives by serving as the clearinghouse for state level knowledge. We work closely with local advocate groups throughout the state and will help organize one where advocacy is lacking.
  4. We put on free workshops to make your community a more bikeable place. Our Bike-MINDED Safety Program is funded by the State Highway Administration, but our Bicycle Friendly Community, Business, and University workshops are funded by individual grants and our programming budget.

Best of all, Race Pace Bicycles will match each donation dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000.

race pace logo
