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Tour de Talbot

Date: Sunday, September 7
Time: All Day

This ride benefits the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the Midshore RIVERKEEPER Conservancy.  These two groups play an instrumental role in not only advocating for the health of the Chesapeake Bay (and as a consequence those of us living upstream of it!) but also devote significant time and resources to provide baselines and monitoring of the health of our Bay and river systems.

For more information click here.

From the organizers:

Ride the beautiful back roads of Talbot County in support of clean water for our Midshore rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. Register now and save the date to experience the spectacular scenery and rich history of Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

The Tour de Talbot features a century ride (100 miles), a metric (62 mile ride), and a 20 mile ride. All rides are supported, with food and drink at rest stops included in registration. The century and metric will kickoff at 7:30 am and the family ride will follow at 10:30 am. All rides will start and finish at the Calhoon MEBA Engineering School on the Miles River, culminating in an outdoor barbeque celebration.

All donations benefit the Midshore RIVERKEEPER Conservancy and Chesapeake Bay Foundation. You can makegeneral donations or fundraise by sponsoring a rider or by sponsoring a team! We thank you for your generosity and support!

Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy is a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration and protection of the Choptank River, Eastern Bay, and the Miles and Wye Rivers. The organization serves as an advocate for the health of these tributaries and the living resources they support.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the Bay through education, advocacy, litigation and restoration. With operations throughout the Bay region including Easton, Maryland in Talbot County, CBF works to reduce pollution, improve fisheries, and restore natural resources while creating a broad, knowledgeable, and active constituency for clean water.

Special thank you to our rest stop sponsors: American Diabetes Association, Team Red; Hearthstone Health and Fitness; YMCA; and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation