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House Bill 214 – Hearing Recap

By - February 17, 2016

The first hearing for House Bill 214 was Thursday, February 11th before the House Environment and Transportation Committee. The next step for Three Feet on Every Road is to receive a favorable report from the Motor Vehicles and Transportation Subcommittee of the Environment and Transportation Committee. They will discuss the bill again on Thursday, 2/25.

If your delegate is on the committee, be sure to drop them an email or phone call to let them know that you want cars to wait to pass until they can do so safely. Look up your delegates here.

“Dear Delegate [NAME],

I am your constituent in District [#]. Please vote YES on House Bill 214 to mandate a three foot margin of safety when cars pass me. The current law prioritizes the ability for a driver to get somewhere quickly, not my ability to get there safety. Do not encourage drivers to see if they can fit beside me without hitting me. Mandate three feet on every road.

Thank you.”

A major thanks to everyone who submitted written testimony on the bill. Our presentation included a slide show of some of the road conditions that we face on the roads, so another thank you to everyone who sent in images. Thank you to Jon Korin of BikeAAA, Kelly Russell of the City of Frederick, Mike Butchko of the Bicycle Place, and Marshall Troutner for joining our panel. Nate and I also testified for the bill.
