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Important Date Change: Tour du Port

By - August 16, 2014

Due to a scheduling conflict with Baltimore City Rec and Parks, our Tour du Port bicycling event date has changed to Sunday September 28, 2014.

We understand this may serve as an inconvenience to some who have marked their calendars and registered so we pledge to make the most of an extra week of planning to execute a fantastic event! Supporters who have already paid for Tour du Port and joint event registration will receive an email with information regarding this development and refund information.

Be sure to stay tuned for exciting announcements related to the route, vendors, and perks included with rider registration!

Early bird registration has been extended to September 1, 2014 at midnight. Don’t delay, prices will jump to $50.00

Tour du Port is Bike Maryland’s biggest annual fundraiser that provides for the bulk of our pro-bicycling initiatives. Your participation in joining us on the ride or spreading the word if you are not able to attend is most appreciated by us and bicyclists across the state!

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