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Join Us at the 18th Annual Bicycle Symposium

By - March 3, 2015

We have been very active in Annapolis this year, advocating for pro-bicycle legislation while engaging in our promised education campaign. To kick off the year we met with elected representatives and discussed the issues facing on-road and off-road bicyclists. Our primary focus this year was to make connections with elected representatives and teach them how bicycling improves Maryland and their specific district. Along the way we have supported legislation from both parties that we feel helps bicyclists, including a hit-and-run alert system and punitive damages for aggressive drunk driving.

To help us advocate for policies that will benefit bicyclists, among others, we invite you to Annapolis on March 17th for our annual Bicycle Symposium. The morning of the event will prepare you to meet with your Maryland legislators. After the lunch break, where we ask you to stop in to your representatives’ offices, we will feature diverse speakers on topics including “Retrofitting Suburbia” and our first ever Mountain Bike Panel. The Symposium officially ends at 3 pm, but stick around because at 4 pm we will host a Happy Hour thanks to the Brewer’s Art in the Senate Office Building. It should be a great day!

Register Today!
