By Bruce Cohen - July 13, 2020
To keep you safe during the COVID-19 pandemic Bike Maryland is CANCELING the actual ride of LARRY’S RIDE 2020. We did not make this decision lightly as we are working hard to encourage and promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions, and provide a voice for all bicyclists in Maryland. In fact, given the increase in bicycling for transportation and exercise — this work is more critical now than ever.
As many of you know, Larry’s Ride is named for Larry Bensky who was struck by a car and killed in 2010 while bicycling in Baltimore County. As Maryland’s only statewide cycling organization, Bike Maryland began hosting this ride in Larry’s honor in 2010 to fund our advocacy for pro-bicycle legislation and our work with government agencies, including police departments, to protect the rights and well-being of bicyclists.
That’s why we are launching a 2020 Larry’s Ride Campaign. We still need to reach our annual Larry’s Ride fundraising goal of $40,000. Please take a minute right now to honor Larry and support Bike Maryland’s critical bicycling advocacy by choosing the best ways YOU can help us reach our goal:
Bike Maryland was created by bicyclists like you—for bicyclists like you. We depend on YOUR SUPPORT TODAY to continue our work making bicycling safer for everyone who rides a bike in Maryland, whether for transportation or recreation.
Thank you for making a difference today!
Bike Maryland Board
P.S. Save the date of October 17th, 2020 to take a safe, socially distant ride in your 2020 Larry’s Ride jersey and post pictures on Bike Maryland’s Facebook page!
P.P.S. Save the date of October 16th, 2021 for 2021 Larry’s Ride