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Looking Back and Moving Forward: 2014 Annual Report & Strategic Plan

By - December 10, 2014

As we reflect on our previous year and plan for next, we have released our Annual Report and Strategic Plan. A huge thanks to Maryland cyclists, volunteers, board members, and staff for making 2014 a great year!

Annual Report

Now available, the Bike Maryland 2014 Annual Report is a summary of the accomplishments that resulted from our advocacy and education initiatives. The annual report is intended to provide information about our activities over the past year. Please review it and let us know what you want to see in 2015 and beyond! The annual report will be accessible on the Bike Maryland website on the Accomplishments page under the About section.

Strategic Plan

Keeping with the theme of focusing our efforts and operating transparency, Bike Maryland has released the recently developed 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. Created in partnership with bicycling advocates from across the state, this living document is also now available on our website under the About section. The Strategic Plan identifies our core initiatives and lays out measurable goals and actions, which will help fulfill our mission.

 Financial Report

We will release our financial report in January 2015.  Stay tuned for our financial performance!


