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Maryland Land Preservation and Recreation Plan 2014-2018

By - April 18, 2014

The Land Preservation and Recreation Plan is prepared every five years to identify essential and contemporary issues impacting outdoor recreation and natural resource protection in Maryland. This Plan was developed using public input gathered through surveys, stakeholder meetings and thorough analysis of national, state and local issues impacting recreation and natural resource conservation.

Bike Maryland’s Executive Director, Carol Silldorff sits on the Department of Natural Resources Trail Committee and has been committed to making access to bicycling a priority! Thank you to the many other advocates that sit on the committee and to everyone who participated in the recreation surveys.

Final approval of the Land Preservation Recreation Plan from the National Park Service has been received.

The Land Preservation and Recreation Plan will help guide land conservation and development of outdoor recreation opportunities over the next five years and builds upon the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative to include proactive approaches to address critical issues identified in the planning process. The Plan aims to: provide Maryland’s citizens and visitors with safe and easily accessible amenities; encourage the enjoyment and stewardship of Maryland’s natural world; and balance outdoor recreation land use with natural and cultural resource protection. It also serves as Maryland’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan and qualifies the state to receive funding through the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund.

See the 2014-2018 Maryland Land Preservation and Recreation Plan here
