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Utility Transmission Corridors Become Trail Corridors

By - April 21, 2014

Bike Maryland thanks John Z. Wetmore, Bike Maryland Advisor and Perils For Pedestrian Television Producer, for his advocacy efforts to turn Maryland utility transmission corridors into trail corridors. He has a recent article that was published on The Hilll, the newspaper for and about Congress, stories from Capitol Hill, K Street and the White House.

John writes, “Utility transmission corridors often make great trail corridors as well. The Washington, Baltimore, and Annapolis Trail shares a Right Of Way with BGE high tension power lines. In Olney, neighborhoods are connected by a trail along the Right Of Way for the Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corporation. There are many potential trail opportunities along PEPCO high tension lines in Montgomery and Prince George’s County. So far, PEPCO has expressed concern about safety and liability and said “No”, but the many successful trails along power lines across the United States demonstrate that these concerns can be addressed. It might be possible to make progress through the Maryland Public Service Commission, which regulates utilities. If not, legislation might be necessary.”

  • Read “The Hill” article here.
  • Quick link to John’s “Utilities as Neighbors: PEPCO vs. Transcontinental” video here.
  • Gallery of Power Line Right-of-Way Trails on the Perils for Pedestrians website here.
