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MDoT Announces $15 Million for Bike/Ped/Trail Projects

By - March 3, 2015

See the release here.

HANOVER, MD – Working to expand bicycling and walking opportunities throughout Maryland, staff from the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the State Highway Administration (SHA) will hold workshops to detail five programs that provide funding for bicycling, pedestrian and recreational trail projects: Bikeways, Safe Routes to School, Transportation Alternatives, Federal Lands Access Program and Recreational Trails.  In 2015,$15 million in reimbursable grant funding will be available for projects that enhance walking, biking, pedestrian safety and recreational trail access.

“A balanced transportation system must take into consideration the needs of the pedestrian and bicycle communities,” said Acting Transportation Secretary Pete K. Rahn.  “These workshops will help local jurisdictions secure the funding they need to make biking and walking a more convenient, safe and fun transportation alternative for residents and tourists.”

MDOT and SHA officials will discuss available funding sources, project eligibility / requirements and funding cycles.  The free workshops are geared toward local governments and non-profit organizations.  They will be held from
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the following dates at these locations:

Throughout the year, staff from MDOT and SHA will be meeting with representatives from local jurisdictions across the State to discuss bicycle and pedestrian plans and potential projects in more detail.  For more information on Maryland’s Bikeways, Safe Routes to School, Transportation Alternatives and Recreational Trails programs, please visit the following sites:

In MDOT’s six-year capital program (FY 2015 – FY 2020), the State plans to invest $188 million to improve bicycle and pedestrian access across Maryland.  Additionally, MDOT recently updated its Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, which establishes a 20-year vision to support cycling and walking as modes of transportation in Maryland.  Learn more at www.mdot.maryland.gov/BikeWalkPlan.

Media Contacts:

Erin Henson & Chuck Brown, MDOT, 410-865-1025
