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Symbiotic Advocacy Benefits Everyone

- June 8, 2015

A major goal for all advocacy organizations is proving its worth to government agencies.  Bicycle advocates do not lack for a shortage of ideas on how to improve their communities...

Advocacy Since the Symposium

- May 22, 2015

This is how Bike Maryland advocacy has been working for you since the Symposium last March. Carroll County Organized Ride of Silence in Westminster in honor of Arthur “John” Martin,...

Larry’s Ride and Tour du Port Registration NOW Open!

- May 1, 2015

Today kicks off the beginning of Bike Month! All across Maryland there will be statewide and local events to celebrate. One way we are celebrating is by launching Larry’s Ride and...

Our Own Bike Month Bingo!

- April 30, 2015

To celebrate Bike Month, we at Bike Maryland challenge you to our version of Bike Month Bingo. Take a picture of the items or actions described in order to get...

Tour du Port 2015: Calling All Exhibitors!

- April 28, 2015

Bike Maryland’s 22nd Annual Tour du Port will be Sunday, September 27, 2015 out of Canton Waterfront Park in Baltimore City. We are looking forward to a bigger and better event, with...

Livable and Complete Streets

- April 10, 2015

As of the end of March, Hagerstown has a Livable Streets Policy which mandates the inclusion of bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities on all streets that are redone in the future....

Legislative Session Wrapping Up

- April 9, 2015

As the legislative session begins to wrap up, we extend a hearty thank you to the legislators who worked with us and advanced legislation that helps bicyclists across the state....

Three Foot Fix – Failed in the Legislature

- April 8, 2015

Under current Maryland law, if a road does not have enough width for a car to pass a bicyclist with three feet then the three foot passing law does not...

New Great Allegheny Passage Study Out

- April 3, 2015

Read the full report here. The latest Trail User Survey and Business Survey Report for the Great Allegheny Passage continues to extoll the benefits of a vibrant trail system for...

Celebrate Loch Raven at Project Clean Stream

- April 2, 2015

On Wednesday, April 1, 2015, the Baltimore City Board of Estimates approved a Trails Stewardship Agreement between MORE (the Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts) and the city’s Department of Public Works. This...