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2020 Legislative Session Report

- May 7, 2020

As you are no doubt aware by now the COVID-19 pandemic forced the 2020 Maryland Legislative Session to end several weeks early.  Despite the sudden ending to the session, Bike...

2019 Legislative Session Report

- June 4, 2019

With the 2019 legislative session wrapped up, how did we do?  What did we do? Download our report now to find out

ACTION ALERT – Tell the General Assembly to Override the Governors Veto to the Bikeways Funding Bill

- May 24, 2019

On May 24th, Governor Hogan vetoed HB 1281 which stabilized funding for the Maryland Bikeways Program at $3.8 million per year and improved the Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan. The Bikeways...

Legislative Champions 2019

- May 3, 2019

As you may have noticed – Cyclists had a pretty good legislative session this year. In order to properly celebrate and give appropriate thanks, we will be using this space...

2019 Legislative Session Begins . . . NOW

- January 9, 2019

It’s that time of year again.  Today is the first day of the Maryland Legislative Session.  As you no doubt know, the 90 days when the Maryland legislature meets every...

We’re Baaaaaaaaaaack! – Legislative Wrap up

- August 10, 2018

Did you miss us?  You probably noticed Bike Maryland has been pretty quiet the last few months.  Truth is, we took a break. As you know, Bike Maryland is a...

Legislative Session – update 2

- March 21, 2018

Monday was crossover day,  the deadline for bills to pass either the House or the Senate.  Bills that haven’t passed one of the two houses by this critical day are...

Legislative Session – update 1

- February 11, 2018

  We are now a little over 1/3 of the way through the legislative session and wanted to start giving regular updates of the work we have been doing. Before...

Bike Maryland Legislative Agenda 2018

- January 10, 2018

Today marks the beginning of the Maryland Legislative Session and as we have indicated, we have an ambitious agenda this year. Bike Maryland’s goal is that all cyclists feel safe...

Maryland Bicycle Safety Task Force – Fourth Meeting

- November 1, 2017

Instead of giving a summation of the meeting as I have for previous meetings I am instead going to list out an unedited copy of the 30+ recommendations that were...