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Bike Maryland Announces New Executive Director

- April 12, 2017

Bike Maryland has announced the selection of Joshua Feldmark as its new Executive Director. Feldmark succeeds Steve Miller, who will remain with the organization as an active volunteer. Feldmark brings...

ACTION ALERT: SB 337 and SB 338

- February 1, 2017

Hearings this Tuesday  — Your Help is Needed On Tuesday, February 7, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hear SB 337 and SB 338. We need to show that cyclists...

Bike Maryland’s Priorities for the 2017 Legislative Session

- January 21, 2017

Hearings This Week — Your Help is Needed   SB142 – Bicycle Safety Task Force SB142 Sponsored by Senator Bobby Zirkin (D-11), Chair of the Judicial Proceeding Committee, creates a...


- November 28, 2016

Entering its fifth year, #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. We know you are inundated with requests for your support....

Bike Maryland: Refocused and Results Oriented

- November 22, 2016

Bike Maryland is refocusing on our core mission: advocating for better biking in the state of Maryland. We have spent the summer assessing our strengths, opportunities, aspirations. The result is...

Frederick Celebrates Opening of Bike and Pedestrian Path

- September 24, 2016

On October 4th, Frederick will be holding the grand opening of that connects the east and west sides of the city. Check out the press release below: The City of...

On the Sentencing of Catherine Frances Lyon

- August 5, 2016

John Fauerby and Lynne Rosenbusch died needlessly because Lyon chose to drive drunk. Bike Maryland supports jail time and continues to encourage our legislators and judges to have zero tolerance...

Changes at Bike Maryland

- July 7, 2016

Dear Members and Friends, Throughout the years, Bike Maryland has been an active voice for bicyclists in Maryland, passionately advocating for safer bicycling through better infrastructure, legislation, education and enforcement....

The Hatem Bridge Opens – Register Your Ride

- June 13, 2016

On Friday, July 1, 2016, the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Maryland Transportation Administration (MdTA) will begin allowing bicyclists to cross the Route 40 Thomas J. Hatem Bridge at...

A June Bike Weekend!

- June 2, 2016

The weekend of June 25th is shaping up to be a major bike weekend in the region, so it needs its own post for all of the information! June 24-27:...