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What’s the Deal with Bike Lanes?

- February 23, 2016

Maryland is one of 11 states that still requires bicyclists to use bike lanes when available. Delegate Carr’s HB 426 seeks to repeal Maryland’s mandatory bike lane use law. Several...

Randonneuring – A Long Way to Cycle

- February 22, 2016

This Saturday, as many Maryland cyclists took to the road to celebrate unseasonably warm February temperatures, I headed out on a multi-mile adventure with six other cyclists from the DC...

Hatem Bridge Open To Bikes July 1st!

- February 18, 2016

At the 2016 Bike Symposium, Maryland Transportation Secretary Pete Rahn announced that on July 1st, 2016, bicycle access will be allowed on the Thomas J. Hatem Bridge!  While Bike Maryland...

House Bill 214 – Hearing Recap

- February 17, 2016

The first hearing for House Bill 214 was Thursday, February 11th before the House Environment and Transportation Committee. The next step for Three Feet on Every Road is to receive...

2016 Bike Symposium Wrap-Up

- February 12, 2016

Bicyclists from Deep Creek Lake to Ocean City converged on Annapolis on Wednesday for our annual Maryland Bike Symposium. Nearly 200 cyclists took the day off of work and out of...

Three Feet on Every Road

- January 26, 2016

Note: House Bill 214 has its hearing in the House of Delegates on February 11th at 1:30 pm. If you would like to submit oral or written testimony, please email...

2015 Closing on Positive Notes, Ready for 2016

- December 28, 2015

We’ve had a very productive year at Bike Maryland and look forward to 2016.  2015 is closing out on positive notes including: 10 Marylanders recently passed their League Certified Instructors (LCIs)...

Bike Maryland Supports Safety Legislation for 2016

- December 21, 2015

This year we are supporting legislation that improves bicyclist safety and comfort on the roads by targeting dangerous driver behavior and road design. After the Three Foot Working Group over Summer...

Arm Warmers and Caps are Back!

- December 8, 2015

Whoa, whoa, whoa, they’re back! Hill Killer just dropped off the latest shipment of Bike Maryland hi vis arm warmers and caps. They did not last long the first time,...

Traffic Violence Remains Status Quo

- November 2, 2015

Last week, the case of the People vs. Heather Cook came to a close. Cook was sentenced to 7 years and 5 years probation for the hit-and-run crash which claimed...