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Our Own Bike Month Bingo!

By - April 30, 2015

To celebrate Bike Month, we at Bike Maryland challenge you to our version of Bike Month Bingo. Take a picture of the items or actions described in order to get BINGO: five down, five across, or five diagonally. By sending us these pictures you agree to let us use them on our website, social media, or publications, with attribution.

Everyone who sends us BINGO (final call by Bike Maryland) will be entered into a random drawing for a free membership. Already a member? THANKS! Another year will be added!

Everyone who sends us a fully completed BINGO card (final call by Bike Maryland) will be entered into a random drawing for an entry to Larry’s Ride or Tour du Port (registrations open TOMORROW).

The BINGO game will end May 31st at 11:59 pm. Photos do not have to have been taken since May, but they cannot have been previously entered into another contest and you must own the right to the photo. Submit entries to bikemd@bikemd.org!

PDF Versions of the Bingo Card: Bike Month_colorBike Month_white

PLEASE NOTE: If you take a picture of children, please only take pictures of your own kids, get signed permission, or don’t include faces!

Thanks for playing and helping us get great photos of bicycling in Maryland, and Happy Bike Month!
