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For Bicyclists

  • Maryland’s traffic laws apply to bicycles and motor scooters. (TR§211202)
  • A bicycle may not carry a passenger unless it is specifically designed for and equipped with a seat for each passenger. (TR§211203)
  • Bicycles, motor scooters, and EPAMDs are not permitted on any roads where the speed limit is more than 50 miles per hour (MPH) or higher. (TR§211205.1)
  • A person riding a bicycle shall ride as close to the right side of the road as practicable and safe, except when:
    • Making or attempting to make a left turn;
    • Operating on a oneway street;
    • Passing a stopped or slower moving vehicle;
    • Avoiding pedestrians or road hazards;
    • The right lane is a right turn only lane; or
    • Operating in a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle to travel safely sidebyside within the lane (TR§211205).
  • Where there is a bike lane, a person must use those and not ride a bicycle or motor scooter in the roadway except: (TR§211205.1)
    • If passing safely cannot be done within the bike lane or shoulder;
    • When preparing for a left turn;
    • To avoid hazards; or
    • When the bike lane is also a rightturn or merge lane.
  • Persons riding a bicycle or motorscooter may not cling to a vehicle on the roadway. (TR§21124)
  • A motor scooter may not be operated at a speed in excess of 30 MPH. (TR§211205.1)
  • An EPAMD may not be operated at a speed in excess of 15 MPH. (TR§211205.1)
  • A person cannot carry anything that prevents them from keeping both hands on the handlebars or that interferes with the view or balance of their bicycle, motor scooter, or EPAMD. (TR§211206)
  • A bicycle, motor scooter, or EPAMD may not be secured to a fire hydrant; a pole, meter, or device in a bus or taxiloading zone; a pole, meter, or device within 25 feet of an intersection; or where it would obstruct or impede traffic. (TR§211206)
  • A person may not ride a bicycle, motor scooter, or EPAMD while wearing a headset or earplugs that cover both ears. (TR§2112010


  • Helmets are required for everyone under the age of 16, including passengers, who ride their bicycles on the road, bicycle paths, or any public property. (TR§211207.1)
  • Helmets are also required for everyone under the age of 16 who is riding on a scooter or on inline skates. (TR§211207.2)
  • The helmets must meet or exceed the standards of the American National Standards Institute, the Snell Memorial Foundation, or the American Society for Testing and Materials. (TR§211207.1)

Required Equipment

  • A lamp is required on the front of a bicycle or motor scooter if the bicycle or motor scooter is used on a highway when people and vehicles are not clearly visible at 1,000 feet. (TR§211207)
  • A red reflector on the rear is required if the bicycle or motor scooter is used on a highway when people and vehicles are not clearly visible at 1,000 feet. (TR§211207)
  • A bicycle or motor scooter may be equipped with a bell or other audible device, but not a siren or whistle. (TR§211207)
  • A bicycle or motor scooter must be equipped with a brake. (TR§211207)

“Bike Safe—We’re On This Road Together” is part of the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration’s Be Street Wise initiative that educates Marylanders on best practices to Drive Safe, Walk Safe, and Bike Safe. For Bike Safe, the reminder to both bicyclists and drivers is that We’re On This Road Together. That means that all roadway users must follow the laws of the road and look out for each other.

Through a combination of grassroots outreach, social media, marketing and public relations, the campaign’s goal is to raise awareness, reinforce safe riding and driving behaviors and reduce the number of bicycle-related crashes.

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