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Maryland State Bicycle and Transportation Plans

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) released the 2019 Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update in January 2019. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan establishes a 20-year vision to support cycling and walking as modes of transportation in Maryland. The plan highlights the benefits of active transportation and offers solutions to Maryland’s current challenges, providing opportunities to better meet the needs of all transportation system users. With input from a wide array of stakeholders, the Plan brings a fresh perspective and strategic focus to the challenge of guiding investments and policy, and realizing a newly-articulated vision:

Maryland will be a great place for biking and walking that safely connects people of all ages and abilities to life’s opportunities.

The Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP) is a 20-year vision for transportation in Maryland. The MTP outlines the State’s transportation goals, policies and priorities and helps guide statewide investment decisions across all modes of transportation. The MTP is one component of the annual State Report on Transportation, which also includes the Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) and the Annual Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance (AR). The CTP is Maryland’s six-year capital budget for transportation projects, and the AR tracks MDOT’s progress each year towards attaining the goals and objectives of the MTP based on outcome-oriented performance measures.

The Land Preservation and Recreation Plan is prepared every five years to identify essential and contemporary issues impacting outdoor recreation and natural resource protection in Maryland. This Plan was developed using public input gathered through surveys, stakeholder meetings and thorough analysis of national, state and local issues impacting recreation and natural resource conservation. The Land Preservation and Recreation Plan will help guide land conservation and development of outdoor recreation opportunities over the next five years and addresses critical issues identified in the planning process.

The Plan aims to:

  • provide Maryland’s citizens and visitors with safe and easily accessible amenities;
  • encourage the enjoyment and stewardship of Maryland’s natural world; and
  • balance outdoor recreation land use with natural and cultural resource protection.