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Rockville Bicycle Friendly Business Workshop

By - April 10, 2013


April 10, 2013 Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) Workshop held at Dawson’s Market brought together a diverse group of area business leaders, elected officials, and local government. Made possible through a grant provided by Performance Bicycles, the BFB Workshop focused on encouraging local employers to create a more bicycle friendly workplace for their employees, thereby increasing the number of people in Rockville commuting to work by bike. Beginning with a warm welcome from Councilman Mark Pierzchala, the Rockville Chamber of Commerce, the City of Rockville Bicycle Advisory Committee, Performance Bicycles, Dawson’s Market and Bike Maryland the workshop included four key speakers. Alison Dewey, from the League of American Bicyclists, gave attendees an overview of the League’s Bicycle Friendly Business Program along with guidance on how to become eligible for their national level award. Following Ms. Dewey we also heard from State Farm Agent, Darius Mark and his experience as a BFB award recipient, Katie Jones from the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene presenting on the importance (and cost savings) of workplace wellness, as well as from Sandra Brecher, Chief of Commuter Services for Montgomery County, on the upcoming launch of Capital Bikeshare in Rockville. Some of the Rockville area businesses in attendance included Kaiser Permanente, BioReliance Corporation, the City of Rockville, and Montgomery College.

Bike Maryland is most grateful for the support we have received from Performance Bicycles and we look forward to our continued work within the Rockville business community. The next BFB Application cycle is due on June 20, 2013!!!
