A 501(c)(3) - Your voice for bicycling in Maryland Newsletter Donate Become A Member Join
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By - November 28, 2016

Entering its fifth year, #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. We know you are inundated with requests for your support. We appreciate how you must choose which groups to support. We also know that safe cycling is important to you and your family. Whether you are a road warrior, mountain bike enthusiast, or recreational rider with the kids, once you’re on the road or trail, you are aware of what could happen out there. Having protected bike lanes and routes, access to trails, and laws which support you when something happens would be reassuring whenever you or your loved ones hop on the saddle.

Those assurances are hard fought.

Bike Maryland is working for you and your family to make cycling safer, but we cannot continue without your financial support.

If you believe that Bike Maryland’s mission is important to you and your family, then please supporting us financially in one or more of the following ways:

  • If you are currently a member, thank you. Please renew your membership when it comes due.
  • If you are not a member, please consider joining Bike Maryland. Your membership not only increases the visibility of the organization but supports us financially. Visit https://www.bikemaryland.org/support/become-a-member/ to sign up.
  • Purchase some of our merchandise. Visit https://www.bikemaryland.org/support/buy-bike-maryland-merchandise/ to see our selection of bicycling apparel.
  • You can donate directly to Bike Maryland. Visit our website for more information: https://www.bikemaryland.org/support/donate/
  • If your employer has a matching gift program, please take advantage of that to increase the impact of your donation.
  • You can also donate through the United Way by designating your gift to go to Bike Maryland.
  • Your bike club or organization may have the ability to support Bike Maryland as several have.
  • If your business can benefit from visibility by nearly 20,000 cyclists, reach out to Bike Maryland to sponsor one of our upcoming events.

No matter how you might choose to donate to our mission, we want you to have confidence that your money is being used wisely and effectively to support safer cycling.

Won’t you please donate to us now?

Kevin King

Bike Maryland Board President
