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Safety In Numbers. Won’t You Join Us?

By - January 12, 2015

Less than two weeks into 2015 and the cycling movement in Maryland has gained strong momentum.

Bike Maryland is grateful for the increased attention for pro-bicycling initiatives and for the opportunities to reach wide audiences in radio, television, and newspaper interviews. Catch up here in our new Media Room page.

In the wake of mourning a fallen colleague, our organization has shifted 2015 from a year of education to a year of action. Our advocacy team is heading in high gear to Annapolis on Wednesday for the start of the legislative session to meet with legislators and develop action items that will result in wins for bicyclists across the state. Along the way, we have amped up meetings and communications with transportation authorities, including the Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Administration, and State Highway Administration.

Now more than ever, we need your camaraderie and your support. We want to foster your faith in bicycling as a legitimate, safe, and FUN recreation and transportation opportunity. Our goal is to be a resource for education, a leader in advocacy, and a unifying umbrella, which represents collective concerns and initiatives for bicycling.

You may have set a New Year’s resolution and we hope included in your personal mission for 2015 is a commitment to be a better cyclist; meaning, we want you to ride more, we want you to practice safe techniques, and we want you to unite with the thousands of Maryland cyclists who strive for improved conditions and increased recognition.

We need your support and alliance with our mission! We believe in strength in numbers and this month we launch our membership drive and we hope you will please join us as a member and enjoy exclusive member benefits such as:
