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Sponsor the Symposium

Bike Maryland’s mission is to promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions, and provide a voice for bicyclists in Maryland.

Thank you for adding your voice to our movement!

Bike Maryland Sponsor $1000 – $500

Prominent mention with logo/link at our Annual Symposium, including invitations, event signage and materials, online recordings, and YEAR-ROUND e-blast announcements to 16,000+ active contacts and approximately 115 in-person attendees.

Symposium Sponsor $250 – $125

Mention at our Annual Symposium, including invitations, event signage and materials, online recordings, and 2025 legislative session e-blast announcements to 16,000+ active contacts and approximately 115 in-person attendees.

Bike Maryland Symposium Sponsorship

Total Amount
Sponsoring Organization Info

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