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Top 13 Accomplishments of 2013

By - December 31, 2013

Here at Bike Maryland we KNOW we have LOTS to be thankful for in 2013! Most of all the vital support of our great staff, team of volunteers, Board of Directors, and countless partners who have helped us acheive the accomplishments that bring us closer to fulfilling our mission.

Here are our favorite 13 benchmarks of ’13:

13. Advocating and forming a resolution with MBPAC which urges MARC trains to consider carrying non-folding bicycles.

12. Advocating and bringing together cyclists and helping Maryland reach #16 in the U.S. on the National Bicycle Challenge.

11. Being awarded a grant to help Bike Salisbury install six bicycle racks near Salisbury small businesses.

10. Completing the design and beginning the programming for a new website.

9. Hiring first full time staff person to manage events and fundraising.

8. Successfully hosting three fantastic bicycle tour events that raised funds for our safety, education and awareness workshops.

7. Contributing to a video to educate all Maryland police on bicycle safety, legislation and enforcement.

6. Working with the Legal Resource Center for Public Health Policy at Maryland Carey Law to better understand what laws might improve cyclist safety in Maryland.

5. A successful Bicycle Symposium in February 2013 with over 300 guests who came to learn and network.

4. Supporting the formation of three new local community bicycling advocacy groups in Maryland.

3. Working on development and implementation of a Complete Streets policy throughout Maryland.

2. Educating thousands of youth and adults through our Bike MINDED Safety Program workshops.

1. Launching the Bike Maryland MVA Organizational License Plate program to promote the 3-ft Law.

 Thank you for your support in 2013! To make your end of the year donation or to be one of the first to contribute to our 2014 fundraising efforts.
