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Tour du Port 2014 Recap

By - September 30, 2014

A hearty thank you to all of the riders, volunteers, exhibitors, and sponsors who came out and made this year’s Tour du Port so successful.  This year we were fortunate to have beautiful weather and great turn out, despite a date change late into registrations that put Tour du Port the day after Seagull Century.  We actually had a couple ride the Seagull Century on Saturday and then ride the hilly 50-mile route at Tour du Port.  That is what we call dedication to September bicycle events!

We still have more pictures coming in, but for now see some of our website developer David’s favorites on Facebook.  All of his Tour du Port photos can be seen on his One Drive.  John Hargreaves, Bike Maryland volunteer superstar and Race Pace employee, took photos throughout the day at Canton Waterfront Park, seen below:

We will update Facebook and this page when more photos come in!

The Gruntled Math Teacher wrote a touching ride report about the 50-mile route and how for him and his wife the ride was a trip down memory lane.

Read other riders’ comments and see their photos on the Facebook event page for Tour du Port.

Check out the event Tweets at #TourduPort.

Comments on this year and suggestions for next year are welcome at bikemd@bikemd.org.  We rely on this feedback to continue to improve not only Tour du Port, but other future Bike Maryland rides.  If you have a photo album or ride report that you would like to share please email.
