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Urban Adventure Canceled

By - April 27, 2016

Due to unforeseen siting issues with the Urban Adventure, we are regrettably canceling the event scheduled for Saturday, April 30th. We sincerely regret any inconvenience this decision may cause.

If you pre-registered, you should have received an email with information about your registration fee. Please click the link in the email to automatically tell us which of the four options you prefer:

  1. Apply your registration to Larry’s Ride on September 25th
  2. Exchange your fee for a 2015 Bike Maryland High Visibility Club Cut cycling jersey. The jersey normally sells for $79
  3. Donate your registration fee to Bike Maryland and receive a new or extended membership
  4. Obtain a full refund

If you did not get this email and you believe that you are pre-registered, please email Emily at emily@bikemd.org with your name and the email you believed you used.
