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We need bikes!

By - April 16, 2012

What do you get when you have 400 grade school kids, only five bikes…and a week of spring rains? A Bike Rodeo, Bal’mer style, as evidenced by this recent photo taken at Hampstead Hill Academy.

Many times a kid’s first experience riding a bike is during a Rodeo…under the expert guidance of Bike Maryland’s Bike MINDED Ambassadors and steady hands of volunteer making sure that the kids, “ Pedal pedal, pedal… coast!!! You’re doing it! Great! Lean into the turn!!! Stop at the cross walk!!!”

Unfortunately, too many times a Rodeo may also be a kid’s last experience safely riding a bike.

Was the weather perfect? Certainly not, and besides, the school needed the playground for recess. So, we improvised by conducting the rodeo in the school’s gym. Was 400 too many kids for two days? No! Bike Maryland would like to be able to accommodate every kid who shows an interest in two wheels!

The real question is, “Are 5 bikes enough for our prgram?” Honestly, no…

Certainly Bike Maryland is grateful to WABA, who has graciously made available their bikes and trailer for our Bike Rodeo Program. However, the logistics, liabilities, and legalities are limiting factors of Bike Maryland’s reliance for kids’ bikes and a trailer.

Taking up (very valuable) space in my tiny parking spot in Fell’s Point is a small, lightweight, trailer with 10 Yakima trays that I will donate to Bike Maryland for events. And I’ll be reaching out to anyone or any organization able to free up some space in their inventory or budget by donating some kids’ bikes to a very worthy cause.

Anyone have an unwanted bike they can donate? We’d appreciated it!
